e-Voting processes redefined

We provide a Blockchain powered e-Voting platform which enables users to manage processes seamlessly.

voix votation

Robust, yet reliable!

Everything has been intentionally designed to include the features you want, right where you need them - without being overly complicated.

voix votation meeting

Equally easy to set up

From the software perspective, VOIX engineers have made the self-administered system intuitive and straightforward.


e-Voter participation

The system includes guidance and informative assistance on technical specifications especially for the first-time users. If your voters are going to step into an unknown territory, we’ll be there with our CS support team, ready to assist with any inquiry. That simple!

VOIX Software Blockchain service
all Budget Friendly

Suitable for small organizations and regional committees

VOIX ensures our clients get the value for their investment and keep the interest ongoing.

Versatile structure

VOIX is indeed a multipurpose e-Voting solution

We ensure our clients get the value for their investment and keep their interest ongoing by providing a flexible system multi-vote designations.

What are the VOIX users saying

VOIX customers have tested the functions and provisions of the Blockchain e-Voting system. Here are some of the comments.

“Despite concern that the system would be complicated, VOIX was incredibly simple to use.”

M. Almeida
“The agency organized an e-Votation for our clients, and the Blockchain electoral system was a great solution which we appreciated, and all was done in a high synergy environment.”

Nadia Communications
“We appreciate in being able to rely on the VOIX platform as well as their dedicated team with their great service and their attentive technical support whenever necessary.”

FDER Genève

For inquiries, let’s discuss further

Votes over internet by Cryptolex. Learn more about how to bring efficiency to your online e-Votation projects.